Brian Curran bet on himself early, embarking on the American Dream by starting his first franchise shortly after college. Frustrated with corporate America, he was inspired by a friend who had taken control of his own destiny, prompting Brian to change his path. Over the past 25 years, Brian has expanded his ventures, now owning eleven territories and a second brand, firmly establishing himself in the franchising world. His story is a testament to the belief that if others can succeed in franchising, anyone can.
Throughout his career, Brian has not only purchased additional territories but also sold them when they no longer aligned with his family’s goals. He has navigated partnerships, secured SBA loans, and invested in real estate—all part of his pursuit of the American Dream. Brian takes pride in hiring and employing dedicated people who provide caring, professional services to his clients.
Brian believes in the importance of the success of both franchisors and fellow franchisees. He has contributed to franchisee training, initiated a mentorship program, and served as a franchisee advisor to the franchisor’s executive team for decades.
Together with his wife, Danielle, Brian has raised three wonderful children, ensuring they all received a solid education. Brian sought the freedom to prioritize his family, coaching soccer, basketball, baseball, and swimming while managing a growing franchise. Danielle, meanwhile, created a warm and welcoming home; the place where all the friends came over to play. Her passion for helping kids led her to work as a teacher’s assistant in the special needs department at their middle school, a role she continues to this day.
The Currans are driven by a passion for helping people lead fulfilling lives, often making the seemingly impossible possible for themselves and others. At FranChoice, Brian listens to others’ dreams, asks the right questions, and helps them define their future, guiding them toward a new life for their families. If you are thinking, “I’d love to own my own business.”, he is ready to help. Contact Brian at and (804) 640-0844.